Dear members and friends,
Pack your bags! The HLA is delighted to invite you to join us in the FIRST-EVER Global Conference of Hellenic Lawyers in Athens, Greece!
July 7 - 10, 2025
Athens, Greece
- Acropolis Museum (Exclusive Opening Reception - LIMITED AVAILIBILITY)
- Megaron Athens International Conference Centre (Main location of Conference events)
- Tours of the Greek Courts Areios Pagos & Symvoulio tis Epikrateias (planned)
- Athens Bar Association
- Anassa City Events Venue featuring a surprise Greek cultural entertainer
The Conference is expecting to draw 300-400+ participants in a first-ever collaboration of the Global Diaspora of Hellenic Lawyers. Co-hosts and Conference Partners include:
- Our Hellenic Lawyers Association of New York
(leading a delegation of attorneys from throughout the US and Canada)
- Hellenic Australian Lawyers Association
- The Plenary of the Greek Bar Associations
- The Cyprus Bar Association
By joining us at this Conference, you will be part of an important collaboration of esteemed jurists, distinguished academics, thought leaders, Hellenic lawyers and Philhellenes from around the world, who will come together to network and discuss global issues at the intersection of law, technology, and democracy- all while immersing yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Athens, experiencing its history, art, and culinary delights. Make this the first stop of your vacation in Greece!
Registration: Click Here!
Full conference booklet: Click Here!
Questions? Contact George N. Zapantis, Conference Chairman at:, or 212.444.2258